Which Sapphire Sets off Your Skin Tone?
It’s September which means that it’s the month of the beautiful sapphire. These sparkling gemstones are one of the three precious stones which have their base in the crystalline form of aluminum oxide: corundum. Rubies and padparadscha are corundum cousins of our typically blue, glittering sapphires which differ from their beautiful relations because of the very special inclusion of trace element, iron.
Yet not all sapphires are blue. If you have a September birthday, but the rich cobalt of your birthstone just doesn’t suit you, there are a great number of dazzlingly colored sapphires to bedeck yourself with. Their myriad colors all stem back to the trace element which found its way into that particular piece of corundum. Every skin tone has a jewel that looks perfect next to it – find your skin tone’s perfect sapphire with this helpful little guide:
Are you inspired by September’s sapphire? Have you discovered the perfect stone for your skin? Why not explore Stephanie’s stunning jewelry to find a beautiful sapphire piece to celebrate a September birthday?